9 Great Reasons to Volunteer
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9 Great Reasons Why You Should Volunteer


A Cause Greater than Oneself… It Starts with You!

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“As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own way.”

-Mary Anne Radmacher

Volunteering for most people means setting aside some time to perform tasks for others free of charge. In this age where time equates to money, it is easy for people to ignore volunteering opportunities. It is a waste of time and money for them. However, volunteering has more benefits that most people care to admit. There are also numerous things you can do as a volunteer from working at a local daycare to traveling abroad to help the less fortunate.

JSHC FinFest
Jacksonville Speech & Hearing Center FinFest 2014

Make an Impact


One of the greatest benefits of volunteering is that you get to make a difference in people’s lives. It creates an environment that makes you realize that there is something bigger than yourself and your desires. You get to experience a different part of yourself. A part that loves helping people and that makes you happier and more fulfilled. For instance, when you choose to volunteer in an organization like Jacksonville Speech and Hearing Center, you help make the world a better place. You get to use your civic responsibilities for something greater. In time, you will realize that the real difference in the world is made by people who choose to put other people’s needs before their own. We are eternally grateful to those who choose to volunteer.


Youth Helping America

Youth Volunteers Succeed Academically


Approximately 10.6 million youth – or 38 percent of the youth population – have engaged in community service.

65 percent of youth who participate in service as part of a college research activity are also engaged in the services themselves.

Volunteering is like an internship. It adds to your resume significantly. It allows employees to know that you are capable of going out of your way to help those in need. Volunteering is an excellent means of adding to your portfolio; having the required hands-on skills. Most employers are looking for people who have real-world experiences that they can bring to their companies.


If Family Members Volunteer, Youth Will Too

A youth from a family where at least one parent volunteers is almost twice as likely to volunteer as a youth with no family members who volunteer – and nearly three times as likely to volunteer on a regular basis.

Among youth who are in families where both parents and siblings volunteer,
86 percent volunteer themselves, and 47 percent are regular volunteers. Only 14 percent do not volunteer themselves.

64 percent of non-volunteers reported that no one in their family volunteers.


taking notes during internship

Sharpening The Saw

Life is always about learning. We are always learning new ways to perform certain tasks, or how to better sharpen our skill set. Stephen Covey calls it, “Sharpening The Saw”.

Volunteering provides an environment where you can learn through practical activities. Every day of our life, we need to challenge ourselves, to achieve more and go farther with the life we are given. Volunteering allows us to have such challenging moments on a regular basis. The diverse challenges allow us to recognize and explore what our limitations and potentials are. Over time we find ourselves succeeding in things that we never thought possible. By purposing to help others, we cultivate a mindset of self-empowerment. When we are each part of a larger collective, working together for the greater good.

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“As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own way.”

-Mary Anne Radmacher


Take Responsibility


Volunteering is a great way to impact your community and be the change you want to see in the world. It is easy to ignore or pass the responsibility for things that are wrong in your community. When you opt to volunteer, you choose to spend your time making things right. You will feel a sense of pride that you are impacting the lives in your own community for the greater good.


Find Your Potential


Each day of your life, you need to challenge yourself so that you can achieve more and do better with your life. Volunteering allows you to have such challenging moments on a regular basis. These allow you to constantly better yourself. The diverse challenges and the environment allow you to recognize and explore what your limitations and potentials are. You will, in time, find yourself succeeding in things that you never thought were possible.


Make Real Connections


Life is about the relationships you make and the networks you develop. Volunteering creates an opportunity for you to meet people from all walks of life and forge real relationships with them. It is possible that could meet your new best friend, future boss, or business partner. Also, you will have conversations with strangers that could change your entire life. It is not uncommon for volunteers to make connections which improve their life and make their future brighter.


Have an Open Mind


People tend to be closed off. They happen to think that their truth is the only truth that should be believed in the world. Volunteering enables you to meet people from all walks of life. You, therefore, hear stories from people who may not always agree with you. It opens your mind and diminishes any stereotypes you might have had.


Genuinely Fun Experiences


While volunteering is serious work, it is also a lot of fun. You meet new people, develop new skills and have an opportunity to participate in great events. Many people point to volunteer work as their most rewarding time.

Are you ready to make a difference in someone’s life? Click below to learn more about the volunteer opportunities with the Jacksonville Speech and Hearing Center.[av_button label=’Ready to Volunteer? Click here to see our volunteer opportunities!’ link=’manually,http://k1v.b85.myftpupload.com/make-a-difference/volunteer/’ link_target=” size=’medium’ position=’left’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ av_uid=’av-2ams92′]

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