
Jacksonville Speech & Hearing Center FinFest 2015: Return to the River

In 2014, the Jacksonville Speech & Hearing Center helped 5,290 people with speech and hearing disorders in Northeast Florida through professional speech and audiology therapies. We served the counties of Duval, St. Johns, Nassau, Clay and Baker.  Of the more than 5,000 people we assisted, 76 percent were either uninsured or underinsured. These services were largely made possible by the funds raised at FinFest.

As the only non-profit agency in Northeast Florida accredited for both speech-language pathology and audiology services, we provide the highest quality compassionate care through the generosity of individuals, corporations, foundations, and partnering organizations ensuring that no one is turned away.

We invite you to join us for FinFest 2015: Return to the River so we can continue to provide speech and audiology services to the members of the Jacksonville community. SAVE THE DATE on Facebook.

FinFest 2015: Return to the River

FinFest 2014
FinFest 2014

Date: Saturday, May 30, 2015

Venue: Timuquana Country Club, 4028 Timuquana Road, Jacksonville FL 32210

(off of Roosevelt Blvd., not far from NAS JAX)

Time: 7-11pm

MC: First Coast News Anchor Katie Jefferies

Entertainment: Henry and the Seahawks

FinFest 2014
FinFest 2014 Festivities

Attire: Hawaiian/Beach Casual

Interested in being a sponsor, donating to the auction or volunteering? Please contact us!

Sponsorship and Ticket  Info: Kristen Dietzen 355-3403 or [email protected]

Auction Donations: Cathy Howland 355-3403 [email protected]

SAVE THE DATE on Facebook.

Did you know? FinFest is supported by a grant from the Endowed $10,000 Event Grant Fund established by Delores Barr Weaver. Click to read the article in the Jacksonville Business Journal.

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