Birdies for Charity 2018
The Jacksonville Speech & Hearing Center is partnering with The Players Championship to raise funds through the BIRDIES FOR CHARITY program.
What is BIRDIES FOR CHARITY??? When you donate to the JACKSONVILLE SPEECH & HEARING CENTER through the BIRDIES FOR CHARITY program (minimum value of $20 per donation), you are entering a contest to win a $10,000 cash grand prize.
Here’s how it works: visit and select the JACKSONVILLE SPEECH AND HEARING CENTER.
Guess how many birdies will be made during the competitive rounds of THE PLAYERS 2018. Then guess a tiebreaker question (how many balls will be hit in the water at hole #17 at THE PLAYERS 2018). If you guess the correct # of birdies, you could win the GRAND PRIZE! See website for complete rules.
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