speech & hearing communication milestones
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Identifying Your Child’s Communication Milestones

Identifying Your Child’s Communication Milestones As a parent of a child between the ages of one month and five years old, you’re probably wondering how you can identify your child’s communication milestones. When it comes to healthy speech and hearing development, these are undoubtedly the most important years of your child’s life. Below you will…

A Starter Pack for Concerned Parents

A Starter Pack for Concerned Parents

Navigating parenthood can be difficult, especially if you’re uncertain whether or not your child has a speech-language or hearing disorder. However, with the right amount of research and medical advice, you can begin taking steps to ensure that your child is placed in a treatment program that can help them attain academic and social success….

Hearing Loss: The Hidden Stigma

Hearing Loss: The Hidden Stigma

Hearing Loss: The Hidden Stigma Throughout the years, hearing loss has been unfairly associated with advanced age and weakness. Due to this well-known fact, many people who have suffered from a hearing impairment have often experienced rejection, isolation, and criticism. At Jacksonville Speech and Hearing Center, our goal is simple – to assist those suffering…

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Support JSHC on #GivingTuesday November 28, 2017

[av_heading heading=’Changing The World One Child At A Time!’ tag=’h3′ style=’blockquote modern-quote’ size=’30’ subheading_active=’subheading_below’ subheading_size=’25’ padding=’10’ color=’custom-color-heading’ custom_font=’#81d742′ av_uid=’av-67usws’] [/av_heading] #GivingTuesday #GivingtheGiftofCommunication This year on Tuesday, November 28, 2017, Jacksonville Speech & Hearing Center will participate in #GivingTuesday, a global day dedicated to giving. #GivingTuesday harnesses the potential of social media and the generosity of…

JSHC New Facility
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JSHC’s New Facility

Jacksonville, FL (September 1, 2017) — The 68-year old nonprofit Jacksonville Speech & Hearing Center (JSHC) will open a new facility at 1010 North Davis Street on Monday, September 18, 2017. The announcement was made by Michael Howland, President and CEO. The new location will replace the 55-year North Laura Street home of the JSHC…

Hearing Tests for Kids

Back-to-School Hearing Tests for Kids

Why are Hearing Tests for Kids Needed Back-to-school preparation is hectic, with shopping for kid-approved clothing and supplies. Along with the hunt for the perfect t-shirt and shoes, don’t forget hearing tests for kids. Your child is young and healthy. Why would she need a hearing test? The Center for Disease Control says about 15 percent of…

How to Find High Quality Hearing Aids in Jacksonville, FL

How to Find High Quality Hearing Aids in Jacksonville, FL

Did you know hearing aids are more sophisticated than simply making noise louder? Not only are there different types of hearing aids for specific types of hearing loss, there are also many styles to compliment lifestyle concerns. Learn how our Audiologists will help you to find high quality hearing aids. How to Find High Quality…

Jacksonville Florida Speech and Hearing

Finding a Solution to Hearing Loss Inspires Jacksonville Woman to Help Others

For a portion of her life, Susan Bence wore only one hearing aid, but after the birth of her third child, her hearing loss increased significantly. Needing to be able to hear to find work, Susan sought help. The assistance of two organizations paired with her enduring tenacity made all the difference. After calling several…

Pediatric Speech Therapy Jacksonville, FL
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Jacksonville Hearing Screenings – Free Community Events

Throughout the year the Jacksonville Speech & Hearing Center works with a variety of organizations and schools to provide community education as well as on-site mobile hearing and speech screenings. Our mobile van is fully equipped with an audiological booth for hearing testing on-site even in the noisiest of environments. With the help of our…