IBCCES Telepractice Certification
JSHC Receives IBCCES Telepractice Certification!
We are proud to announce that the Jacksonville Speech & Hearing Center (JSHC) is the first speech and hearing center in Florida to certify its staff in teletherapy through the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards (IBCCES).
To earn Telepractice Certification, staff underwent comprehensive training on how to create a conducive teletherapy environment, protect patients’ online privacy, troubleshoot technological issues, and remotely collaborate with patients and their families.
By receiving virtual care from a Board Certified Telepractice Specialist, patients are able to receive the same quality care that they would otherwise receive in-office from the comfort of their homes. Both speech and audiology care are available through our telepractice program.
This certification also makes our team uniquely qualified to provide online care to patients with special needs that is in-compliance with the IDEA, Section 504, and the ADA. Such qualifications are essential when remotely serving students in the public school system who rely upon regular speech therapy sessions as part of their Individualized Education Plans (IEPs).
To learn more about our telepractice program and how you can receive healthcare at home, please click here.
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