Speech Therapy for Elders in Jacksonville

Speech Therapy for the Elderly

Speech Therapy for the Elderly

Regardless of the age, the ability to communicate effectively is important. However, for seniors, this learned skill is critical. If seniors can’t successfully describe what they need in a particular situation, they may not get the help they need during an emergency situation. Contrary to children who may have similar communication issues, seniors require immediate medical attention due to their vulnerable and fragile physical condition. Fortunately, seniors are more likely to receive the help they need during medical emergencies when they receive effective speech therapy.

Speech therapy for the elderly can assist seniors with speech issues that are caused by the natural aging process. The therapy uses proven vocal exercises that have been shown to help seniors learn to speak and communicate effectively again after suffering from health issues such as stroke, dementia, head injury, and cancer.

Speech Therapy After A Stroke

Each year, approximately 700,000 people experience a stroke. Among stroke survivors, roughly one in four individuals suffer from aphasia. As a result, there’s a great need for speech therapy after seniors have a stroke, and the sooner patients receive this type of therapy, the greater chance they have of a successful recovery.

Speech-Language Pathologists can help stroke victims enhance functional communication and cognitive skills and teach safe swallowing techniques. A Speech-Language Pathologist may use a variety of these methods when working with elderly stroke patients including muscle restraining strategies, compensation exercises, singing, peer support groups, diet/feeding modifications, visual speech perception, and constraint-induced therapy.

speech therapy in jacksonvilleSpeech Therapy For Dementia

Many seniors who suffer from memory disorders experience cognitive communication difficulties, which is why it’s often hard for such people to remember and process information.

The good news is that a Speech Language Pathologist can assist elderly people who are in the early stages of dementia related conditions. These professionals can also teach a variety of techniques to help keep language skills sharp among this particular group. When these techniques are taught effectively, elderly people with memory problems may gain greater control over their ability to reason and speak.

Speech Language Pathologists may also teach dementia patients techniques to help them stay nourished and hydrated, which can also decrease the chance of risky swallowing problem.

Speech Therapy For Head Injuries And Neck, Head, and Throat Cancer

Due to the fact that seniors with a severe brain injury have a 2.3 percent chance of developing Alzheimer’s, such intense injuries should be treated with therapy right away. Even more interesting is that whenever elderly people suffer from a head injury or cancer, they are likely to experience many language and communication problems.

Depending on the severity of the circumstances, speech language pathologists may employ cognitive therapy, melodic sounds, electric stimulation, and constraint reduced therapy to resolve these issues. These professionals might also use many different exercises to assist seniors with maintaining great muscle function during their recovery from language problems caused by head injuries as well as throat, head, and neck cancer.

Trust Jacksonville Speech & Hearing Center For Great Speech Therapy!

At the Jacksonville Speech & Hearing Center, our experienced Speech-Language Pathologists offer exceptional speech therapy for elderly that can’t be found elsewhere. Whether you‘ve suffered from a stroke, dementia, head injury, or cancer, our team of experts can help you recover by using effective speech therapy strategies.

After conducting an initial evaluation at our facility, our professionals will employ the necessary call of action to improve your overall quality of life. Give us a call today to find out how we can help you improve your speech and communication problems. We’re eager to provide communication for elderly strategies so that you can live your fullest life, regardless of your current condition or age.

For more information about our communication for elderly services, please don’t hesitate to check out our comprehensive website. Take the first step and give us a call for an initial consultation. We look forward to seeing you soon!

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