Support JSHC on #GivingTuesday December 3
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#GivingTuesday #GivingtheGiftofCommunication
This year on Tuesday, December 3, the Jacksonville Speech & Hearing Center will participate in #GivingTuesday, a global day dedicated to giving.
#GivingTuesday harnesses the capability of social media along with the generosity of individuals around the world to generate true improvement in their communities; offering a stage so that they can encourage the donation of time, resources, and skills to heal local concerns. Additionally it brings together the shared power of an amazing assortment of partners— nonprofits , civic organizations, businesses, corporations, as well as families and individuals—to encourage and amplify small acts of kindness.
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Make a Difference in Someone’s Life Today
Join us this #GivingTuesday in our mission to provide Northeast Florida’s preschoolers with the tools that they need to communicate effectively in time for kindergarten.
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, untreated speech and language delay is present in up to 40 percent of preschool children. A child’s ability to speak, hear, and understand language effectively will deeply impact their capacity to comprehend and apply everything that is taught to them in the classroom—ranging from math, science, the arts, and basic social skills.
A child with an untreated speech-language disorder will experience impediments in sharing their answers with the class, raising questions about areas of confusion, and interacting with other classmates during group work. When a preschooler has delayed or disordered speech or language, they are more likely to have poor self-esteem, behavior problems, and poor reading skills by the third grade, if left untreated.
Any time you give to the Jacksonville Speech & Hearing Center, you’ll be giving preschoolers the gift of communication—granting them the opportunity to thrive both inside and outside of the classroom.
[av_button label=’Visit our DONATE Page’ link=’manually,’ link_target=’_blank’ size=’large’ position=’left’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ av_uid=’av-4g5fkl’]
Please take a moment to share this with your friends, family and connections.
You’ll be providing a favor to your connections by letting them know about a life-changing opportunity. You’ll be providing a favor to us by helping us get more visibility for our cause. But most importantly, you’ll be providing a favor to Northeast Florida’s community by helping our children gain the gift of communication.
Thank you!
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