Hearing Loss and Holiday Gatherings: Tips to Improve Your Conversations

The holidays are upon us! We look forward to the spirit of the season and the rituals of celebration. The way we celebrate has certainly changed over the course of this year! While some traditions (old and new) involve more personal interaction than others, for people with hearing loss, the anticipation of meeting people in…

How Does Hearing Loss Affect the Body

How Does Hearing Loss Affect the Body?

[av_heading heading=’How Does Hearing Loss Affect the Body?’ tag=’h2′ link_apply=” link=’manually,http://’ link_target=” style=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ margin=” padding=’10’ color=” custom_font=” custom_class=” id=” admin_preview_bg=” av-desktop-hide=” av-medium-hide=” av-small-hide=” av-mini-hide=” av-medium-font-size-title=” av-small-font-size-title=” av-mini-font-size-title=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=”][/av_heading] [av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” av_uid=’av-k12ju9c6′ id=” custom_class=” admin_preview_bg=”] Hearing loss affects the mind and body in ways that were…

Back to School Hearing
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Prepping for back-to-school? Don’t forget hearing!

Can you hear the back-to-school bell?  It’s August, and that means pretty soon the kids will be saying goodbye to the summer vacation and saying hello to homework, books, and new schedules. We all want our kids to do well in school, but sometimes they struggle. What if your child wasn’t able to hear as…

Hearing Loss: The Hidden Stigma

Hearing Loss: The Hidden Stigma

Hearing Loss: The Hidden Stigma Throughout the years, hearing loss has been unfairly associated with advanced age and weakness. Due to this well-known fact, many people who have suffered from a hearing impairment have often experienced rejection, isolation, and criticism. At Jacksonville Speech and Hearing Center, our goal is simple – to assist those suffering…

How to Find High Quality Hearing Aids in Jacksonville, FL

How to Find High Quality Hearing Aids in Jacksonville, FL

Did you know hearing aids are more sophisticated than simply making noise louder? Not only are there different types of hearing aids for specific types of hearing loss, there are also many styles to compliment lifestyle concerns. Learn how our Audiologists will help you to find high quality hearing aids. How to Find High Quality…

Jacksonville Florida Speech and Hearing

Finding a Solution to Hearing Loss Inspires Jacksonville Woman to Help Others

For a portion of her life, Susan Bence wore only one hearing aid, but after the birth of her third child, her hearing loss increased significantly. Needing to be able to hear to find work, Susan sought help. The assistance of two organizations paired with her enduring tenacity made all the difference. After calling several…

904 magazine june 2015

Jacksonville Magazine Article on Hearing Loss and Technology

“Can You Hear Me Now?” In the June 2015 issue of 904 Magazine published by Jacksonville Magazine, Jacksonville Speech & Hearing Center is spotlighted in an article titled “Can You Hear Me Now?” The article focuses on how important technology can be in overcoming hearing loss. In it, two professional communicators explain how hearing loss has…

prevent hearing loss with earplugs

Audiology Awareness to Prevent Hearing Loss

October is National Audiology Awareness Month Hearing loss is an increasing health concern that is often preventable. Noise exposure is the most common cause of hearing loss and can result in difficulty sleeping and high blood pressure. Noise induced hearing loss occurs gradually and without pain. Experts agree that regular exposure to sounds of 85…