tinnitus hyperacusis veterans jacksonville

A Veteran’s Experience with Tinnitus and Hyperacusis

If you’ve ever experienced ringing in your ears (tinnitus), even for just a few moments, you can imagine how disruptive and even crippling it can be when it’s ongoing or frequent. Tinnitus is often caused by age-related hearing loss and changes. It can also be caused by earwax blockage or ear bone changes. In other…


Noise sensitivity? We have answers about Hyperacusis

What is hyperacusis? Hyperacusis is a lowered tolerance or sense of discomfort to sounds that would not trouble the typical person. It can occur slowly or suddenly. Often, sounds such as walking on carpet can be unpleasantly loud or painful. Communicating with others can be very challenging with hyperacusis. To me, noise is extremely loud. What causes…